The following items, which you may find in your kitchen, can be utilized to draw in Goddess lakshmi and make your house prosperous:
Tulsi, or basil
Prosperity, riches, and pleasant energy are all drawn to fresh basil. Plant basil at your front entrance or use it in your cuisine.
A hint of cinnamon
Wealth and good fortune are said to be drawn to this spicy spice. Put a stick of cinnamon in your wallet or scatter cinnamon powder inside or outside of your house.
It is believed that fresh ginger would bring luck and wealth. ginger can be eaten raw or added to food.
Bay leaves
Bay leaves, whether fresh or dried, are a lucky charm that brings money and success. Some people think they may make their dreams come true by writing them on a bay leaf and burning it.
Rice is a representation of riches and plenty in many civilizations. In your kitchen, keep a small dish of raw rice.
Good fortune, success, and money are all drawn to this spice. Put five to seven cardamom pods in your wallet to draw in money, according to Vastu's advice.
Salt is said to repel negativity and attract success, so sprinkle some about the kitchen or in the corners of rooms.
Disclaimer: This content is based only on information and beliefs. Always seek advice from an expert in the field.