Since there is a greater likelihood of double taxation, earning has become riskier for NRIs. Even if you don't make money in india, your international pay may need to be disclosed because of the government's improved data-sharing agreements with other nations. If you have financial links back home, it will be more difficult to evade taxes. Revisions to treaties with the US, UK, Canada, and australia may result in increased taxes and more stringent documentation requirements for non-resident Indians.
Every dollar you spend is being tracked. Your investments in india will also be scrutinized more closely.
Indian students who intend to stay overseas after graduation also need to exercise particular caution. Following your study, you will need to accurately disclose any foreign income or risk facing steep penalties. Although the government claims that these regulations would prevent tax cheating, the nri population faces additional issues as a result.
These days, handling finances and taxes across two nations is more difficult, and a single error might put law-abiding NRIs in hot water. Let's observe how the government and community adjust to the changes.