Waqf Bill: 15 lakh tenants on Waqf land! JPC in tension, said in the report - that they are afraid
Waqf Amendment Bill: Ten to 15 lakh tenants are on Waqf properties across the country, and 2600 tenants in delhi alone are on Waqf properties, and they are facing many problems.
Waqf Amendment Bill: The Joint Parliamentary Committee on Waqf Amendment Bill has expressed a big concern in its report on the rights of tenants living in Waqf properties for years. On pages 407 and 408 of the report, it was told that the delhi Waqf Tenant Welfare Association had put forth its serious problems before the Parliamentary Committee and they said that they have been earning their livelihood in the shops of Waqf Board for the last 75 years, but now Waqf is treating them like encroachers, which is completely wrong and arbitrary.
The report said that there are 10 to 15 lakh tenants on Waqf properties across the country and delhi alone has 2600 tenants on Waqf properties. The report quoted delhi tenants as saying that these tenants have been living in Waqf properties for three generations and have also repaired their shops many times. Still, they never received any compensation in return. Apart from this, the Waqf Board has taken a large amount from them as donations from time to time and has also increased the rent, but now the same tenants are facing an auction of properties. The Parliamentary Committee report presented to it said that the Waqf tenants in delhi expressed concern that when a tenant dies, their heirs are not given the rights and the Waqf Board tries to collect fees from them, which is completely unfair.
The Parliamentary Committee has taken all these concerns seriously and has appealed to the government to take strict measures. The committee says that a situation of trust and cooperation should be created between the Waqf Board and the tenants so that both sides can benefit. Now the pressure has increased on the government to take necessary steps to protect the rights of Waqf tenants and secure their future.
The committee has also recommended in its report that to eliminate fear among Waqf tenants, long-term leases should be given to avoid rent increases and eviction of Waqf properties so that the future of the tenants will be secure and the condition of Waqf properties will also be better. The committee has appealed to the ministry to consider the problems of Waqf tenants across the country and take legal steps to protect their rights.