'Black Warrant', a new web series on Netflix, is making headlines. Let us tell you, if you haven't watched it yet, that this series tells the tale of sunil Gupta, a jailor in Tihar, Delhi.
The tale of sunil Gupta joining Tihar, the prison system, the prison gang war, and jail reform have all been covered in this web series. Aside from all of this, however, the public has been most interested in Charles Sobhraj's portrayal of "Bikini Killer." According to the series, he was dubbed "Super IG" and amazed everyone, even the inmates and the jailer.

Tihar Jail was clearly influenced by Charles Sobhraj.
Charles Sobhraj dominated the jail, according to former Tihar jailor sunil Gupta, who made this claim in a media interview. sunil Gupta recalled being referred to as a "lady killer" throughout his tenure. He was referred to as the "Super IG" because, at the time, Tihar had an IG system and he was seen as more powerful than the IG in the jail. Even in the online series, he was instrumental in helping sunil Gupta get a job in prison.

What made her a "lady killer"?
According to sunil Gupta, who provided information on Charles Sobhraj, he was a very impressive man who used to entice everyone into his trap at first sight with his size and manner of speaking. He claims that Charles was the target of two murder cases when he was in Tihar. He used to target foreign ladies for the majority of his offenses in Goa, India. Girls were an easy target for him since he could dazzle anybody. According to the former jailer, Charles would make friends with foreign females, invite them to dinner, and then use drugs to render them unconscious. In addition to raping them, he would also flee with their goods after this. 'Lady Killer' was another name for him for this reason. This is how he used to mesmerize the females that came to the jail.
Even when inside, Charles would trap the females who came to meet him, according to former Tihar Jailor Gupta. Charles used to be prepared with fresh clothing, shoes, spectacles, and perfume on the day a woman arrived to meet him in prison. He cherished all of this, and his jail chamber was stocked with clothing and shoes—something that was permissible at the time. He said that Charles used to meet ladies in my room when I was the Deputy Jailor, which must have been between 1981 and 1982.

Charles's first arrest occurred when?
When a woman came to meet Charles, he would tell her his narrative while wearing perfume so potent that I could smell it from a distance. When Charles stole jewels from a jewelry store in Delhi's Ashoka Hotel in 1972, he was caught for the first time in the nation, according to the BBC story. By ensnaring a hotel dancer in his trap, he committed this heist. However, he left his passport in the room when fleeing, which led to his eventual arrest.

Charles was taken to the hospital under the guise of having a stomach ailment, but the police were unable to hold him there for very long. He was then detained a second time in 1976 after failing to steal a foreign visitor's passport in Delhi.

How could he turn into a murderer of bikinis?
For your knowledge, Charles Shobhraj used to target international ladies and was an expert at altering his look. He is the subject of dozens of murder trials in several nations, including nepal and India. In 1976, Shobhraj was taken into custody in Delhi. He was detained in the tihar jail in Delhi. He had twice gotten out of police custody. In the 1970s, Charles Shobhraj is said to have murdered 15–20 individuals. Two women who were just wearing bikinis were discovered dead. It was then that Charles Shobhraj became known as the 'Bikini Killer'.

Charles Sobhraj was freed from tihar jail on february 17, 1997, after serving there for over 20 years. However, he was captured in nepal six years later in 2003 and was freed after over 19 years. Charles was then deported to France, where he remains to this day. He was born on april 6, 1944, in Vietnam, which was then occupied by France, therefore he was a citizen of that nation.



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