Not only the US, but these countries also have citizenship by birth..!

The announcement by the administration led by President donald trump in the US that children of foreigners will no longer be able to obtain citizenship by birth in the US has sparked a huge debate. donald trump took office as the President of the US on the 20th of last month. Immediately after taking office, he signed various orders. The most important of which is the abolition of citizenship by birth. According to this, children born in the US will only be able to obtain citizenship if one of their parents is a US citizen.
If the parents are foreigners, their children will not be able to obtain the citizenship they have received so far from february 20th. Due to this, many couples who have settled in the US are struggling not knowing what to do. While lawsuits have been filed in various states against this order, an interim stay has been imposed on the order issued in two states so far. Any child born within the borders of a country, whether their parents are citizens of that country or of other countries, is a citizen of that country simply because they were born there. This is called citizenship by birth.
Citizenship by birth has been granted in the united states for almost 150 years. According to the 14th Amendment to the US Constitution, which was introduced in 1868, it states that any child born on American soil is an American citizen. This 14th Amendment was introduced following the Civil war in the United States. Through this, the children of African Americans and those brought as slaves in the united states became American citizens.

Let us now take a detailed look at which countries in the world grant citizenship by birth in this way. About 33 countries in the world grant citizenship by birth in this way. Most of these are countries in the American continent. Countries such as Argentina, Barbados, Bolivia, Brazil, Canada, Chile, Costa Rica, Cuba, and dominica grant citizenship by birth to children born on their soil, even if their parents are foreigners. Similarly, countries such as Ecuador, Guatemala, Mexico, Panama, Peru, Venezuela, and uruguay also grant citizenship by birth. Not all Asian countries grant citizenship by birth in this way.

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