The 2024 Corruption Perceptions Index (CPI) rankings were made public by Transparency international on Tuesday. The cpi highlights the least and most corrupt nations by ranking them according to the perceived degree of corruption in their public sectors.
180 countries and areas were given ratings in this assessment, which ranged from 0 to 100. Higher scores denoted a cleaner public sector, while lower scores indicated more corruption. Transparency international published the study in Berlin.

World's most corrupt country list released, country on top is, not US; india and bankrupt pakistan are ranked at...
180 nations and territories are ranked by the cpi based on how corrupt the public sector is thought to be. The rankings are displayed on a scale from 0 (extremely corrupt) to 100 (very clean), according to Transparency International's official website.
According to the cpi research, corruption is a major issue on a global scale. It draws attention to the severe corruption that exists in many nations. There is still a great deal of work to be done, even if 32 nations have seen a considerable decrease in corruption since 2012. In contrast, 148 countries have either remained unchanged or have seen worsening corruption during the same period. More than two-thirds of nations score lower than 50, and the worldwide average of 43 has been stagnant for years.

Human rights are violated and lives are destroyed by corruption in nations where billions of people reside. Over two-thirds of nations receive scores lower than 50 out of 100. Approximately 6.8 billion people, or 85% of the world's population, reside in nations with cpi scores below 50.
With 90 points, denmark has maintained its position as the least corrupt nation for seven consecutive years, according to the Corruption Perceptions Index 2024 report. singapore (84) and finland (88) were closely behind. Among the least corrupt countries were luxembourg (81) and new zealand (83) as well. Furthermore, sweden gained 80 points, while norway and switzerland each scored 81 points.

Top 10 countries with the lowest corruption

Rank 1: denmark (Score: 90)
Rank 2: finland (Score: 88)
Rank 3: singapore (Score:84)
Rank 4: new zealand (Score:83)
Rank 5: luxembourg (Score:81)
Rank 5: norway (Score: 81)
Rank 5: Switzerland(Score:81)
Rank 8: sweden (Score:80)
Rank 9: netherlands (Score: 78)
Rank 10: australia (Score: 77)

Top 10 countries with the highest corruption

Rank 170: sudan (Score: 15)
Rank 172: Nicaragua(Score: 14)
Rank 173: Equatorial Guinea(Score: 13)
Rank 173: libya (Score: 13)
Rank 173: yemen (Score: 13)
Rank 177: syria (Score: 12)
Rank 178: Venezuela(Score: 10)
Rank 179: somalia (Score: 9)
Rank 180: south sudan (Score:8)

Ranking 135th, bankrupt Pakistan—which has been facing economic difficulties—shows a two-place decline from 2023. With a score of 27, it is in the same league with nations like Gabon, Liberia, and Mali. On the Corruption Index, however, india is ranked far higher than Pakistan. However, compared to 2023, India's rating dropped one point and three spots. With 38 points, india is ranked 96th in the 2024 rankings, whereas China, its neighbor, is ranked 76th with 42 points.

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