There is a peculiar tradition in Totopara town that must be followed to be married (Unique marriage Tradition). This tradition requires the females to become mothers before they get married.
India Unusual Marriage: india is home to people of many religions. Their customs are likewise distinct as a result. Today, we'll tell you about a place where females are required to become moms before being married.
In West Bengal, India's Totopara town of Jalpaiguri, there is an odd tradition that must be observed to be married. This tradition requires the females to become mothers before they get married. Before becoming moms, they are unable to be married. The Toto tribe's girls are only married after becoming mothers, according to this custom.

The evidence indicates that the boy initially elopes with the lady of his choosing and takes her with him, after which they date for around a year. The girl is informed that she is now eligible for marriage if she falls pregnant within this period. Only when she falls pregnant is the girl married.
The Toto tribe in Totopara town has peculiar divorce laws, much as their marriage laws are distinct and varied. Here, a costly special puja is done before filing for divorce. people in my area are terrified of divorcing because of this.

Note: The information given in the above article is based on general beliefs, india Herald does not confirm it.


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