Online curiosity has been piqued by a guy who claims to have been to the future and made predictions about 2025. On january 1, Elvis Thompson (@elvis.thompson.927), the self-described time traveler, posted a video on instagram detailing five days in 2025 that he predicts would see terrible occurrences.
According to Thompson's prediction in the video, Oklahoma, America, would be devastated on april 6 by a tornado that is 24 kilometers wide and has wind speeds of 1046 kilometers per hour.  He further asserted that on May 27, a second American civil war would break out, causing texas to secede and igniting a nuclear-armed fight that would leave America in ashes. See the video below,

As he predicted the september 1 arrival of an alien named champion, Thompson's prophecies take an otherworldly turn.  According to him, champion will move 12,000 people to another populated planet so they can be secure.  He also issued a warning about hostile aliens that wanted to destroy Earth.

Thompson also forecasted that on september 19, a powerful storm will strike the U.S. east coast.  Lastly, he asserted that a giant marine animal called Serene Crown, which is six times bigger than a blue whale, will be found in the Pacific Ocean on november 3.
With more than 20 million views and many comments, Thompson's video has quickly gone viral.  Some viewers have voiced doubts, with one user jokingly remarking that Thompson ought to have gotten the lottery numbers for the next week while in the future.  Another commenter said that if Thompson's forecasts turn out to be incorrect, they will file a lawsuit against him and save the video.

It should be noted that india Herald does not endorse the validity of Elvis Thompson's claims.

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