I believe that we shouldn't be content with what we have in many instances. Our world is rushing toward an environmental wall and is rife with brutality and unfairness. Moreover, chronic persisters—those who know how to refuse to accept the unacceptable—are among the greatest individuals I know.

However, we also live in a society that intentionally and profitably fosters personal sentiments of jealousy, comparison, lack, and want. Contrary to popular belief, jealousy frequently fuels feelings of want and lack rather than the other way around.  Advertising's ingenuity is in creating "perceived" (or fictitious) demands.  When I see someone leading a "good" life—one that is interesting, seductive, and creative—I want everything they have, including their shoes, watch, vacation, and everything else.
Comparison is necessary for envy. Furthermore, comparison necessitates a ranking system. Popular culture provides a good number of them. Being the target of sexual attraction (consider "matches" on dating apps, for instance) or online social interaction (consider "likes" or "followers"). All of these factors may influence how successful or unsuccessful you feel personally.
These are occasionally shown as a single pseudo-metric of success. Consider the concept of a "high-value man." The concept's use on the internet tends to praise wealth, a large social network, and helping others. This frequently deviates into praising monetary prosperity and flimsy self-improvement as the means to success and sexual appeal. I'm Looking for a Man in Finance, a popular TikTok song, is a little exaggerated parody of this ideal.
The underlying premise is that one is more valued as a person if one owns more "good things" than others.  However, there are several underlying presumptions at play here, not the least of which is that you may "own" rather than "be" the truly significant things in life.
These unspoken presumptions typically betray a deep-seated sense of shame—the belief that you are not good enough just the way you are.  Additionally, you have no right to choose what constitutes a successful or unsuccessful life for yourself.
 It's not always horrible to feel bad about oneself.  You can tell whether you have done anything wrong or behaved in a way that does not align with your own moral principles when you experience a healthy unpleasant emotion.  This sensation urges you to alter your behavior.




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