According to Hindu customs, the auspicious day of Shivratri is celebrated as a holy night in honor of lord shiva once a month.
Although most people may not be familiar with this, it is a long-standing custom.  However, maha shivratri is only celebrated once a year, usually in february or march following the end of winter.  According to traditional belief, this is the day that lord shiva is most energetic and that it is also the day that lord shiva and Goddess Parvati get married.

Every month on the fourteenth evening of the waning moon (Chaturdashi of krishna Paksha), people celebrate Shivratri, which literally translates to "the night of Shiva."  For shiva followers, who abstain from eating and prayer, the day is particularly important.
In order to worship lord shiva on this night, devotees think it helps them overcome difficulties and find inner peace.  For people who wish to eradicate evil energies and attain spiritual progress, monthly Shivratri is crucial.

The 14th night of the waning moon in the month of Phalguna (February–March) marks the annual celebration of maha shivratri, also known as "the Great Night of Shiva."  Maha Shivratri is a unique event in Hindu mythology with a number of tales associated with it, whereas regular Shivratri is observed each month.
The most well-known theory is that lord shiva performed the cosmic dance of creation, preservation, and destruction on that night.
According to a tale, it is also said to be the celestial union of shiva and Goddess Parvati.  The devotees observe a strict fast, repeat mantras, and visit temples to shower the shiva Lingam with water, milk, and bael leaves.

Most stay up all night in worship, believing that it absolves them of guilt and brings favors from the gods.
Although Shivratri and maha shivratri both honor lord shiva, the former is a lavish, yearly celebration of Shiva's almighty might, while the latter is a monthly religious observance.  For devotees, both are extremely significant, offering them chances for spiritual insight, adoration, and self-purification.

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