Liver issues among IT employees..!?

A recent survey conducted by students of hyderabad Central university has not only revealed shocking results. It must be said that it has given a similar warning to IT employees. Sitting in offices for hours without leaving their seats. Working for ten to twelve hours without a break, along with severe stress, has found that employees are not only obese but also suffering from liver problems. That is also serious. The results of this survey conducted by HCU researchers are worrisome. It must be said that IT employees have immediately stated the need to focus on their health.
The results of this year-long research conducted by professor Anita, Research Scholar Bhargav, and Nandita Pramod, professors of the Department of Medical Sciences at HCU, have been recently released. IT workers were met and taken to AIG Hospital in Gachibowli for tests. It was revealed that 84 percent of those who underwent these tests had metabolic dysfunction associated with fatty liver disease. The lifestyle of IT employees along with work stress and their diet was also found to be a reason for this. The diet consumed by IT employees was high in calories and sweetened soft drinks and lack of physical activity led to obesity and liver problems.

Medical examinations were conducted on 3450 people from june 2023 to june 2024. Of the IT employees who underwent medical examinations, 84 percent were suffering from obesity, fatty liver, and other problems. Of these, five percent had fat accumulation around the liver. 71 percent of young people were also found to be obese. 34 percent had digestive disorders. Indigestion due to poor food intake was a problem. In addition, 10 percent were found to be suffering from sugar problems. So not only IT employees but also those working in other fields need to take all the necessary precautions to stay healthy.

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