Under the direction of spiritual leader Sri Sri ravi shankar, the revered somnath Jyotirlinga was first exposed in Bengaluru on Mahashivratri 2025, about a millennium after Mahmud of Ghazni desecrated it. According to a video posted on sri sri Ravi Shankar's official account, the great levitating Shivalinga was thought to have vanished forever when Mahmud of Ghazni conquered india in 1026 AD and destroyed the somnath Jyotirlinga in Saurashtra.

Devoted Agnihotri priests kept holy pieces of the linga hidden from history, honoring it with regular pujas and making sure its heritage endured for many generations.
"Keep it secret, and after 100 years, entrust it to a saint in karnataka named Shankara," the Shankaracharya of kanchi Peetham ruled when this family sought instruction a century ago.
The authentic somnath Shivalingas have arrived at sri sri Ravi Shankar's ashram following the directives.
Interestingly, they have a unique magnetic characteristic; according to the spiritual teacher, their field is concentrated in the center even though they contain very little iron.

Despite being repeatedly destroyed throughout the years, the revered somnath Mandir—the first of the 12 Jyotirlingas—has remained a foundation of Sanatan Dharma.
Sri Sri ravi shankar says in an editorial post in The indian Express that shiva is worshipped as a linga, a gateway to the infinite, and a means of transcendence, rather than as a destination.

"The first of the four phases of spiritual realization is symbolized by the linga.  Sensing the presence is the initial step, or sannidhya.  Samipya, the second, is a feeling of intimacy with the divine.  When one starts to embrace divinity, it's called Sarupya.  He concludes by writing, "Sayujya is the ultimate state, the full merger and realization of oneness with the divine."
He said that Ghazni "plundered the temple and shattered the Shivalinga into pieces" after becoming enthralled with the floating Jyotirlinga.
In a stunning display of holy force, the somnath Shivalinga defied gravity and rose above the earth, according to ancient texts, making it no ordinary relic.

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