Japan population crisis..!? Labor shortage..!?

Currently, a new problem has come to the fore in many countries around the world. While it is gradually becoming a storm, it is said to be reaching its peak mainly in Japan. That is, the increasing number of elderly people and the decreasing birth rate. Since this problem is currently rampant in japan, it is said to be having a major impact on the country's economy. Yes... the population in japan is falling day by day and is heading towards a crisis. In this context, the birth rate in 2024 fell by another 5 percent compared to the previous year and was recorded at 7,20,988.

 With this, this matter is causing tension in the country. It is said that this is the first time since 1899 that such a low number of births has been recorded. While the birth rate is decreasing drastically on the one hand.. on the other hand, the number of elderly people is increasing. They say that this is increasing two types of problems. As part of this.. while the number of people working in the country is decreasing significantly.. due to this, it is said that the income of the government is falling. With this.. the government is making various efforts to increase the birth rate. However, it is said that people are not showing much interest in having children.
At this time.. the prime minister of that country has allocated 3.6 trillion yen for the childcare policy. However, it is said that the benefit is not seen. In fact, these 3.6 trillion yen are being used to improve the working environment of childcare workers for adults who are interested in having children. However, mainly in japan, young people are not willing to get married and have children. Some people are not interested in having children even if they get married. In this context.. if the young people think as they do now and the same trend continues, it is estimated that the population in japan will fall to about 8.67 crore by 2060. The country's health department has issued a statement expressing concern to this extent. In fact, japan had the highest number of working people in 1995. However.. it is said that the current unemployment rate is 2.4 percent.. and it is expected to remain at 3 percent by 2040. In this context, it is said that 342 companies in japan went bankrupt in 2024 due to labor shortage. However.. it is said that this problem is not limited to japan alone. In France, the birth rate has started to fall significantly since 2023. There has never been a decrease at this level in the last 50 years. In China, the birth rate has also decreased for three consecutive years.

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