Important message from cm M.K. stalin on his birthday..!!

Tamil Nadu chief minister M.K. stalin is celebrating his 72nd birthday today. In his greetings, he has said that we will always oppose the imposition of Hindi. chief minister M.K. stalin has also written a letter in this regard. In it, the announcement of the punjab and telangana state governments has confirmed that the path shown by tamil Nadu is the path to identify dominant languages and prevent them from falling into their trap. Today, punjab and telangana have ordered that it was the three-time tamil scholar who, with a vision, passed the law “Tamil should be taught as a language subject in all schools from class one to class ten in tamil Nadu” twenty years ago. When the situation arose in india in 1965 that hindi would dominate as the official language, tamil Nadu was the first state to warn.
Not only did it warn, but it also has a history of sacrifice in the war to save the language by setting itself on fire while chanting 'Long live Tamil... hindi is gone'. Muthamilarigna Kalaignar was imprisoned in solitary confinement in Palayamkottai under the Protection Act. Murasoli Maran was also arrested under the same act. Pera Ragna Anna and his party members took the field. They went to jail. The fire of mother tongue awareness of the people of tamil Nadu spread from andhra pradesh to Assam. Only after that, a situation arose in which english would continue as a co-official language in the indian Union. In 1971, the DMK student conference was held in Coimbatore. Although my name was not on the list of speakers in the invitation, I, inspired by the excitement of the conference, shouted, “At this time of struggle for the language, we are even waiting to make the sacrifice of losing our lives.” My siblings, one of you, have wished me a happy birthday, shared my joy, and made me happy too. Your warm wishes have encouraged me to work even harder and to carry forward the struggle to protect the race and language. “I will stop the imposition of the dominant language and protect mother Tamil!” he said, on this birthday.

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