Chinese women hate marriage..!? Why?

China, which once imposed a birth control policy to control its population, is now struggling to increase its birth rate. In this situation, a study has been released that many young Chinese women hate marriage. While the birth rate in china is already declining, it has been revealed that most young women are in the mood to not get married. Since 1988, the birth rate in china has decreased by 68%. In this situation, the Chinese government continues to emphasize that couples should have children. The Chinese government has announced various financial assistance and various welfare programs for married couples when they have a large number of children. It has also banned single people from adopting children and preserving their eggs.

In this context, many Chinese women say that they are not ready for marriage. The marriage rate in china has fallen by 40% between 2013 and 2020. The Chinese government itself has released statistics that show that it has decreased significantly in 2024. Cultural practices, family structures, and economic pressures have led to a mindset against marriage among young women. Many women responded in a survey that marriage takes away their freedom and is imposed on them as an obligation.
They believe that the decision to get married should be their own personal decision and should not be made due to social pressures or government pressure. Many researchers say that there is a growing anti-marriage mentality and anti-childbearing and child-rearing mentality, especially among educated young women in urban areas. Most women find it difficult to pursue their careers and life goals after having children. 60% of Chinese men say that raising children is the responsibility of women. This mentality has also caused women to hate marriage.
While the social view of women has changed over time, there has been no corresponding change among Chinese men. The male-female ratio in china currently stands at 109 men for every 100 women. It is said that this will further widen the gap in the future and will cause a huge problem for the Chinese population. In this situation, women have developed a mentality that they do not want to get married and remain single.

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