Indian men and women spend their time quite differently, according to a recent Mint media poll. women spend just 5.8% of their day socializing and relaxing, whereas men spend 20.3%. This is because women spend 19.8% of their time on unpaid household duties, compared to 2.7% for males. Women's presence in society is impacted by this imbalance, which restricts their ability to participate in public life and the workforce.

Compared to 61% of males, just 21% of women participate in work-related activities.  Women's presence in businesses and decision-making environments is diminished since the load of domestic chores frequently prevents them from pursuing jobs, education, or leisure. The difference is evident even in providing care.  Compared to 18% of males, a staggering 34% of women give unpaid care.  Men have more time for socializing and professional development, while women are expected to take care of the home and family.  This limits women's freedom of movement and their participation in political, cultural, and economic endeavors.

Even while urban women may have more employment options, their domestic duties are still the same.  Their independence is further restricted in rural regions by traditional roles that confine them to domestic work.  Gender disparity transcends households and permeates society as a whole, with males having greater personal freedom and women bearing a disproportionate amount of the burden.  Women's participation in leadership positions, the workplace, and social settings will remain limited until household duties are distributed more fairly and they are granted more possibilities in public life.



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