Imagine being denied admission back home after 34 years of lawful residency in the United States.  In addition, they are being treated cruelly because they made a human mistake.  When an immigrant returned to the united states after losing their Green Card, this was their reality.  They had to wait ten days and pay $575 for a replacement.

They had to deduct their daily lodging expenses of more than $1,000 from their mortgage payment.  More startling than the financial cost is the fact that US officials provided no assistance at all.  At a critical moment, their daughter's brace was taken off and she was refused medicine for her scoliosis.  "No financial support or help (daughter is US citizen) 34 years legally in the USA," she wrote on social media, sharing her experience.  The TSA precheck is already finished.  With a little child, there is no precedence.
Numerous people concurred that the method is flawed.  Even US residents who misplace their passports overseas have to wait, according to some, but losing a Green Card is a much greater inconvenience.  Some were harsher and criticized the need for a physical card.  Why is this antiquated regulation still in effect when border guards already utilize face recognition?
This event demonstrates that even Green Card holders are not protected, in addition to those with immigration visas.  You would think that after living in a nation for more than thirty years, the authorities would have some information they could confirm.  In addition, indians who intend to travel should constantly verify their passport, visa, green card, and other papers.  Authorities will seize every opportunity to apprehend aliens as the strict crackdown gets under way.


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