Earthquake In Oscar: Earthquake tremors were felt at Oscar's afterparty, the magnitude was 3.9; Know what else happened?

Oscar 2025: After the oscar ceremony, when film stars from all over the world were celebrating the ceremony, tremors of earthquake were felt in Hollywood. Let us know when this earthquake came and what incidents happened apart from the earthquake.

After the oscar ceremony, when film stars from all over the world were celebrating it, tremors of a 3.9 magnitude earthquake were felt in Hollywood. The epicenter of the earthquake was just a few miles from the oscar ceremony venue Dolby Theater. However, no news of any damage or injury has come out yet.

The earthquake was felt shortly after 22:00 local time. This was the time when bollywood celebrities had gathered for the afterparty. According to media reports, people present in the area felt strong tremors of the earthquake. This earthquake is one of about 40 earthquakes that have hit Southern california since early March.

Apart from the earthquake, Hindi was spoken by the host for the first time in the history of this Oscar. During hosting, host Kenan O'Brien said in hindi, for those who are watching from India, I want to say, Namaskar, it must be morning there right now, you people are watching Oscars with breakfast. Kenan O'Brien has become the first host to speak in Hindi. At the same time, actor Adrian Brody kissed actress Halle Maria in front of his girlfriend.

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