If sleep breaks-there is an explosion-like sound- be careful!
It is not easy to avoid stress in the rapidly changing lifestyle and increasing competition. Due to this, many types of serious problems are increasing. Due to stress, one is not able to sleep properly at night. The effect of which is seen on our daily routine. Due to this happening continuously, many people feel dizziness, loud pain and sound of something breaking while sleeping at night. Due to this, their sleep breaks. This fills the whole body with irritation. This condition is called Exploding Head Syndrome. Many types of problems start occurring due to this sleep disorder.
What is Exploding Head Syndrome
Exploding Head Syndrome is a sleep disorder in which a person can hear many sounds like loud noises, explosions in his head. It is also called Episodic Cranial Sensory Shock. This condition is also called Parasomnia. The voices heard in this problem are imaginary. If this happens, you should definitely consult a doctor.
What is the cause of exploding head syndrome?
According to the National Library of Medicine, exploding head syndrome is a neurological problem, which is associated with unknown fear and anxiety. High level of stress or lack of sleep can increase the risk of this disease. According to research, this problem is mainly found in the elderly and women. Apart from this, these problems are also seen in college going children.
What are the symptoms of exploding head syndrome?
1. Sudden feeling of electrical activity in the part of the brain that produces sensory neurons.
2. Damage to the inner ear and avoiding running away from problems.
3. Always having a tingling sensation in the ear.
4. Suddenly opening the eyes during deep sleep.
5. Persistent headache problem.
6. Stress, depression and anxiety disorder.
How to avoid exploding head syndrome?
1. Stay away from stress. Do yoga, meditation and exercise.
2. To avoid sleep disorder, take medicines after consulting a doctor.
3. Maintain hygiene in life. Keep the surroundings dark while sleeping. Protect yourself from disturbing things.
4. Sedentary lifestyle improves mental health. Keep taking breaks during work.