Doomsday Vault: Bunkers being prepared for the apocalypse!
Every person keeps a vault in his house, in which he hides such treasures that can be used in times of trouble. Mostly we keep precious things in it.
But do you know that there is a vault in the world which is known as Doomsday-Vault and it is also called the vault of doom. It is called the vault of doom because it has been built by more than 100 countries together, so that the species of seeds from all over the world can be kept safely in it. This is such a vault, which is covered with snow all around and even a catastrophe cannot harm it.
When and where was the Doomsday-Vault built?
India is also included in this vault of doom to store seeds. The Doomsday Vault is also known as the Svalbard Global Seed Vault. It is located on a hill on Spitsbergen near the Arctic Sea. It was built in the year 2008. Actually, the way global warming is increasing and the threat of nuclear war is looming, it has been assumed that apocalypse is certain. When the apocalypse comes, everything will be destroyed. In such a situation, where will the seeds come from to start life again. This is the reason why this vault has been built.
This is how grains remain safe
This vault has been built on an island near norway so that this place remains cold and the seeds inside it are kept safe at -18 degrees Celsius (-0.4 degrees Fahrenheit). More than 1.3 million varieties of seeds are kept safely inside it. These bunkers are made of permafrost and thick rock, whose door is covered with a thick layer of ice. Seeds can be kept safe even if the power goes out. It has been built about 400 feet below the mountain. To reach here, one has to go through a concrete tunnel.
Most seeds in the vault are from India
This vault is opened three times a year, that too to deposit the fees of all the countries of the world. Keeping the seeds safe for a long time is a challenge, so to protect them from every problem, these seeds are changed every ten years. Now india is counted among the top countries in terms of agriculture, so most seeds in it are from India. India has kept 15% seeds in it. After this, mexico 6.1%, America 3.3%, apart from this Zimbabwe and other countries are also included.