Pakistan wins jackpot worth Rs. 80,000 crore..!? How?

It can be said that pakistan, India's neighbor, which is facing a severe economic crisis, has unexpectedly won the lottery. That is, a large gold deposit was recently discovered in the Indus River. The value of this gold mine, estimated by experts, is estimated to be more than Rs. 80,000 crore. pakistan, which is facing severe pressure, has already started plans to extract gold, which will give a big boost to the economy, reports are coming out. This gold deposit was discovered in the Attock district of Pakistan's punjab province. This discovery in pakistan has come at a time when gold is a hot topic of discussion worldwide. This gold deposit was identified in a survey conducted by the Pakistani government. The state-owned engineering consultancy National Engineering services pakistan and the punjab Mines and Minerals Department have intensified their efforts to extract gold.
The gold extraction process is called the Attock Placer gold Project. Pakistani media reports indicate that the state-owned company has signed a contract for consultancy services to prepare bidding documents and transaction advisory services for nine placer gold blocks on the banks of the indus river in the Attock district. The project and its operations are estimated to become a major milestone in Pakistan’s mining sector. There is no doubt that exploiting the opportunities in the indus river region will also give pakistan a margin in the global mining industry. The discovered gold reserves could make pakistan a major player in the global gold market. Experts say that pakistan needs to speed up operations to reduce economic pressure. Meanwhile, mining operations and gold separation are very expensive processes. The question also arises as to how to find money for this in the current situation. There are also indications that pakistan may take steps to raise money for the discovered gold reserves.
 There are also growing concerns that the gold reserves discovered in the country could encourage terrorist activities. Earlier this year, Pakistani media reported that illegal gold mining had started in the indus river Valley near Nowshera in khyber pakhtunkhwa province. social media reported that large gold deposits had been discovered in this area. This also poses a threat to India. Apart from pakistan, another neighboring country of India, china, has also discovered large gold reserves. Reports indicate that 168 tons of gold reserves have been discovered in various provinces of China. This discovery will give china, which is currently the world's largest gold producer, a big advantage in the global gold market. Two large gold mines have been discovered in china within a few months. Currently, according to the state bank of pakistan, the country's gold reserves are estimated at $5.43 billion as of december 2024, the news portal reported, citing a report by the Express Tribune.

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