Trump administration warns against illegal hiring of foreign workers..!?

The trump administration has once again made it clear to companies that companies operating in the united states should give priority to Americans in employment. This is said to be a problem for indians who have gone to work in the united states on the H1B visa system and for indians who have newly applied for visas. The trump administration has been accusing various American companies of illegally hiring foreigners without giving priority to Americans in employment. Generally, various companies operating in the united states use the H1B visa to hire skilled foreigners. With this visa, foreigners can go to the united states and work in high positions in technology companies. The most benefiting from this visa program are tech experts from India. Both IT companies operating in the US and IT companies operating in india use the H1B visa to send employees to foreign sites.
But this visa program is said to be having a huge impact on American workers. In this context, on february 19, the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) once again issued a report advising all companies to give priority to Americans in employment. Andrea Lucas, the chairman of this commission, said that there is discrimination based on their origin in hiring employees in various industries. He said that the government will never tolerate illegal discrimination against Americans and that this will cause a big problem in various industries across the country. He said that instead of hiring Americans, various companies are illegally hiring foreigners.

He warned that if the government finds such illegal activities, it will face serious action. The order also states that various companies are hiring foreigners instead of Americans due to reasons such as low wages and easy labor exploitation. Meanwhile, the US Department of Immigration and Customs Enforcement has stated that the H1B visa program is negatively affecting American workers. That is, it is said that people who can come and work on this visa are paid more than Americans. The average salary of employees who can work on an H1B visa is $ 100,000, which is the salary paid to Americans. In this situation, it is said that the trump administration may bring some changes to the H1B visa system. This will affect indian tech workers.

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