Everybody wants to make investments. One anticipates substantial rewards in addition to investment. Some put their money into metal, while others put it into savings plans. However, there is a plan for women that will provide substantial profits. This allows a guy to invest under his wife's name (saving plans for women). Money can be invested in the mother's or sister's name in addition to the wife's.

It's a government initiative.
The Center's narendra modi administration launched a women's savings plan in 2023. The Mahila Samman Savings Certificate is the name given to this savings plan. Any woman in the nation can establish an account under this women-only program. Men may invest in this plan for their wives, daughters, mothers, sisters, and themselves.

Strong returns are in store for you.
7.5 percent interest is provided on investments made under this arrangement. This interest yields a return of almost 16 percent when seen over two years. No other modest savings plan with a fixed income offers women such a high return.  The money is put all at once in this government initiative. After two years, you can take your money out of this plan. However, the program (wife savings schemes) allows investments up to Rs 2 lakh.
Find out how much interest the plan will pay.

Any bank in the nation can create an MSSC account under this two-year program. In the name of the Mahila Samman Savings Certificate Account, you can also open this account at the post office. By creating this account, you may make a lot of money (saving plans for women).

Your wife would receive a total of Rs 1,16,022 upon maturity if you put Rs 1,00,000 in this program. It includes Rs 16,022 in fixed interest. This sum will increase to above Rs 32,000 in two lakhs at the same time. In other words, you will make 16 percent in two years.

When is it possible to invest?

A government program designed specifically for women is the Mahila Samman Savings Certificate.  With the government's guarantee, you will receive a set interest in this (saving programs for women).  The investment deadline is march 31, 2025.  After april 1, 2025, you won't be allowed to invest in it. women simultaneously demanded that the scheme's duration be extended.



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