Holi celebration restrictions in Hyderabad..!?

Holi is a festival of colors. A festival celebrated with great enthusiasm. It starts with the burning of the kamudi in the early morning. They apply colors all morning and in the afternoon, they go to ponds and wells in the sun and take baths. From the prime minister of the country to the common man, holi is celebrated in all states across the country. However, the celebrations are different in each state. local traditions and customs play a key role in this. As for the villages, there is more holi buzz in cities and towns. Especially the youth do not have any control. In this order, people who know and those who do not know are painted with colors. If others take it easy, it is okay. But if they turn away, it will be a problem.
Now, mini India hyderabad is not the only place for holi celebrations. With people from almost all states staying here, the city is getting ready for Holi. Rajasthanis, Gujaratis, Punjabis, and Bengalis are preparing for holi in their own traditions. Since people gather together to celebrate, the hyderabad and Cyberabad police have focused on law and order during the holi festival. They are taking precautionary measures to prevent any untoward incidents. As part of this, limited restrictions have been imposed. Orders related to this have also been issued. The hyderabad and Cyberabad police have banned the sprinkling of colors on unwilling people. They have banned the forcible application of colors and sprinkling of water on those who do not want to. There is also a ban on sprinkling holi colors on roads and public places.

Spraying colors on vehicles or pouring colored water has also been banned. There are restrictions on celebrating holi in a way that disrupts peace and order. To avoid inconvenience to the public and causing accidents, restrictions have been imposed on moving around in bikes, cars, vehicles, and gathering in public places. Those who do not want to sprinkle colors are prohibited from being forced to apply them and water is prohibited. In the wake of holi, a liquor ban has been imposed from 6 am to 6 pm on Friday.

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