By 2043, all 44 european countries will be under Islamic rule, according to the famous 20th-century Bulgarian blind prophet baba Vanga, whose many significant prophecies have come true in recent decades, including the september 11 terrorist attack on the Twin Towers in New York.

Muslims rule across Europe
In one of her most audacious forecasts, baba Vanga predicted that the population of the entire european continent will decline significantly by 2025 for both environmental and geopolitical reasons.  However, because we are currently in 2025 and europe shows no symptoms of a population catastrophe, this projection appears to be completely off the mark.
However, the Bulgarian healer has made another prediction that might soon alter the course of european history: by 2043, Muslims will rule the Christian-dominated continent, and islam will overtake christianity as the predominant religion in the area.

Due to this significant demographic shift, the blind prophet has also foreseen the possibility of a culture war breaking out between the two communities.
Notably, a recent study predicted that the number of Muslims would increase by as much as 70% over the following 35 years, topping 3 billion, making islam the world's largest religion by 2060 and overtaking Christianity.

Will Muslims dominate india and Nepal?
While baba Vanga foresaw the Islamic conquest of europe, the Bulgarian mystic has not made the same forecast for any Asian nation, including india or Nepal, which are two of the world's most Hindu-dominated nations.

Who was baba Vanga?
Vangeliya Pandeva Gushterova, also known as baba Vanga or "Grandmother Vanga," was born in Strumica in the Salonica vilayet, which was then a part of the Ottoman Empire, on october 3, 1911. She lost her sight at the age of 12, but it is said that she was given the gift of clairvoyance and precognition, which allowed her to supposedly see into the future.
Born and raised in the Rupite region of the Belasica mountains in Bulgaria, Vanga rose to prominence in the late 1970s and early 1980s as a result of her purported skills. Known as the "Nostradamus of the Balkans" and considered one of the most well-known mystics of the 20th century, baba Vanga passed away in 1996 but left behind a wealth of future predictions that still fascinate and frighten billions of people worldwide.


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