Amid the recent controversy surrounding work culture and work-life balance—or lack thereof—a media report that cited data from the 2019 Time Use survey and the PM's Economic Advisory Council has identified which indian state has the best work-life balance and which works the "hardest" and longest hours.
Which state works 'hardest'?
Gujarat, the home state of prime minister Narendra Modi, has the largest percentage of employees who work more than 70 hours per week (7.2%), the highest percentage in india, according to a Times of india (TOI) study.  When it comes to the length of the workweek, gujarat is followed by West Bengal, punjab, and Maharashtra.
Bihar, on the other hand, has the lowest percentage of working people who put in excessive work hours, with nearly seven times as many people working there as Gujarat.

Longest daily work hours
According to the survey, the average daily working hours in delhi are the longest, at 8.3 hours, while the average daily working hours in goa are the lowest, at 5.5 hours, the lowest in the nation. Interestingly, the majority of states in the northeast report working fewer than six hours a day.
Urban dwellers work more than villagers

The report reveals that people in cities work longer hours compared to their counterparts in rural areas, with an average urban workday lasting 7.8, compared to 6.5 hours in villages.

'Hardest' working urban population

According to the report, rajasthan has the 'hardest' working urban people, clocking 8.6 daily work hours on average, followed by uttarakhand (8.3 hours) and gujarat (8.3 hours).

Which Cities Work The Least?
The majority of northeastern cities work fewer hours than their counterparts in the rest of the nation, as seen by the fact that Meghalayans work an average of 6.3 hours, while Manipur's average is 6.1 hours. According to the survey, the average workday in goa is the shortest, at 5.9 hours.
At 7.7 hours, uttarakhand leads the list in rural india, followed by punjab (7.3 hours) and jharkhand (7.2 hours).
Goa, Nagaland, and Assam, on the other hand, have the lowest average work hours.

Who works more, men or women?
According to the poll, women only labor 6.2 hours a day in metropolitan areas, compared to 8.2 hours for men.  Similar trends are seen in rural areas, where women work an average of 5.6 hours per day while males work 7.3 hours.
Employees in the private sector put in more hours.
Telangana and rajasthan government employees work two hours more than their counterparts in Assam, Meghalaya, and Kerala, even though government employees generally work one hour less per day than those in the private sector.

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