Siddhu (Kiran Abbavaram) wants to move ahead from her love breakup.  After much perseverance, he eventually discovers anjali (Rukshar Dhillon) and falls in love with her.  Anjali ended their relationship just when everything seemed to be going well.  Why does anjali make a choice this drastic?  What happens to Sidhu and Anjali's love is the main plot point of the film.
Following KA, kiran Abbavaram is back with a new appearance.  Here, he ventures back into the realm of overt love stories, which are aimed mostly at young people.  Certain mannerisms are positioned identically, and the styling is done appropriately.  However, the character itself is poor, therefore even with kiran Abbavaram's best efforts, the effect is lacking.  The characterization and the scenes that surround it are more problematic for the audience than his performance.  Additionally, the excessive, mass-buildup action scenes exacerbate the problems and detract from the desired impact.

Although rukshar dhillon creates a character that is somewhat similar to her younger self, the writing style irritates the reader.  As a performer or in terms of the glamour appeal, there is nothing to take home from it.  It's best to keep Kathy Davison out of the spotlight. Despite having a crucial function, she lacks the charm and charisma necessary to fulfill it.  She seems like a complete misfit.
Dilruba is written and directed by Viswa Karun.  With an unconventional lead character at its core, it's a classic love story.  Many telugu movies are centered on straightforward, approachable ideas that characterize the hero.  Here, the lead is defined by such a philosophy. Every move he takes is predicated on that essential characteristic, identity, or quality.  Presenting itself as a conventional commercial love story, Dilruba is actually a character drama.
But the film just doesn't jump right into the characters.  A love story and a breakup come first.  Then comes the next one, when character-related information is disclosed.  A significant amount of time has elapsed by the time we get at that pivotal moment of revelation.  Since we don't initially know where the story is going, it feels disorganized and erratic.  Another one, a possible threat (connected to Vicky), makes it extremely generic and predictable, and the love track (with Anjali) makes it even more annoying.
The movie's lifeline is sam CS.  Although it is a bit louder, he provides a high-octane, throbbing background score that enhances the proceedings.  Additionally, the tunes enhance the story and contribute to creating a relaxing atmosphere.  In general, the cinematography is quite excellent.  Without a doubt, the images enhance the attraction.  The editing is good.  The use of many rhyming punches in the prose is more annoying than interesting.

Overall, Not Worth your Time and Money! 

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