Which region is leading in the economic development of tamil Nadu?

The districts of tamil Nadu are divided into four zones namely East, West, North and South. Out of these, this region is the one that is leading in economic development. While the western region is leading in the economic development of tamil Nadu, the eastern region is lagging far behind in development, as revealed in the Economic survey Report published by the tamil Nadu government for the first time. So, which region of tamil Nadu is leading in development? Let us find out. The districts of tamil Nadu are divided into four zones namely East, West, North and South. Based on this, 10 districts from Tiruvallur to Dharmapuri are defined as the northern zone. 12 districts from Villupuram to Ramanathapuram are defined as the eastern zone. Eight districts from Nilgiris to Trichy are divided into western districts. Eight districts from Dindigul to Kumari are divided into southern districts.Accordingly, the northern region, which accounts for 31.8% of the population of tamil Nadu, contributes 36% to the total value added in the state. The western region, which has a population of 22.8%, contributes 29.6% to the value-added of tamil Nadu. The southern region, which has a population of 20.5%, contributes 18.8% to the value-added of tamil Nadu. The eastern region, which has a population of 25.5%, contributes 15.1% to the total value added of tamil Nadu.

Generally, we have been talking for many years that the southern indian states are leading in the India-wide development index and the northern states are lagging behind. On the contrary, it can be seen from this economic survey published by the tamil Nadu government that the northern and western regions are leading in development in tamil Nadu, while the southern and eastern regions are lagging behind in development. Similarly, this survey shows that there is a difference in average per capita income. It is revealed that while an individual in Chengalpattu district earns Rs.6.47 lakh per year, an individual in Tiruvarur district earns only Rs.1.48 lakh per year.

This study highlights the need for the tamil Nadu government, which talks about development for all, to pay more attention to the eastern and southern districts in the coming times.

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