Pawan Kalyan, the leader of the janasena Party and the deputy chief minister of Andhra Pradesh, criticized tamil Nadu politicians on friday for rejecting hindi while taking advantage of Bollywood's financial opportunities. He questioned tamil Nadu politicians' views on hindi while highlighting India's linguistic variety during the 12th Foundation Day event of janasena in Pithapuram.

 "India requires more than two languages, including Tamil.  In addition to preserving the integrity of our country, we must value linguistic diversity to promote harmony and love among its citizens. The actor-politician further stated, "I do not understand why some criticize Sanskrit. Why do tamil Nadu politicians oppose hindi while allowing their movies to be dubbed in hindi for financial gain? They want money from bollywood but refuse to accept Hindi—what kind of logic is that?"

However, netizens were quick to react and they dug his old posts from X where he requested telugu people to step up like Tamils and safeguard their mother tongue. So why now this fake propaganda just because you need BJP's shadow? netizens question him on X. However, some blind fans who support PK without any secondary thoughts are supporting hindi right now.
One of the netizens commented, "Another Modi batkh but paid, every season this guy had new agenda, First he said he taken Baptism he is christian, then he said he is socialist nothing to do with religion, now his role is sanatani 😂 I didn't see any one changes so many colors"

Another user claimed, "Political Clown!"

Another user commented, "He has sold his soul to Gujurati.. then he ll say learn gujurati"

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