Europe's first driverless bus of the future..!!?

A bus is making a splash in Europe. Europeans are talking about that bus with interest. Is it because Europeans talk so much about the bus? There is no doubt about it. The reason for this is that the bus does not have a driver. The number of people interested in traveling in this driverless bus is increasing. Even without a driver, the Spanish government is providing the opportunity to travel in the bus for free to those who dare to travel in the bus. This bus, which is buzzing on the streets of the Spanish capital Barcelona, is running for a very short distance. No charge will be charged to passengers boarding the bus for a week. The driverless electric vehicle has become a special attraction for the city of Barcelona. Initially, many people were interested in seeing it but did not want to travel.
Now, they are showing interest in traveling on this bus. This bus, which travels at a speed of 40 kilometers per hour, can travel up to 120 kilometers on a single charge. 10 state-of-the-art cameras and sensors have been installed around this bus. This bus is being operated within a radius of just 2.2 kilometers. Four stops have been set up for this distance. This state-of-the-art bus was made in collaboration with the French giant car company Renault, a company known for manufacturing driverless vehicles. However, this type of bus has been made in countries like japan and America so far, but this is the first bus in Europe. That is why the youth is saying that he boarded this driverless bus. The feedback is coming that the performance of this bus is good. Apart from stopping at signals, it is said that any pedestrians who cross the road strictly follow the traffic rules. It is said that no road accidents have taken place so far. Not only those who board this bus but also those who do not board it are doing one thing. Taking selfies with the bus. In this wallet PLATFORM' target='_blank' title='digital-Latest Updates, Photos, Videos are a click away, CLICK NOW'>digital world, photos are important no matter what.

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