On the seventeenth day of Ramadan in the month of Hijri, 313 Muslims overcame over a thousand adversaries. The propagation of islam and the transformation of Prophet Hazrat Mohammad Saheb's reputation were significantly aided by this triumph. The crimes committed by the Meccan populace and Allah's command were the causes of this conflict.
Ramadan, the ninth month of the Islamic calendar, and the second Hijri Zakat and fasting became mandatory for Muslims this year. Prophet Hazrat Muhammad performed Eid-ul-Fitr namaz at Eidgah this year. This year also saw the start of the first Islamic war. 'Battle of Badr' took place on the 17th of Ramadan. However, what is this? In the month of Ramadan, war! And it's from islam, too. Given that Muslims refrain from fighting wars throughout the month of Ramadan, this is a startling question.
Given that Islamic nations now observe ceasefires throughout the month of Ramadan, why was the first Islamic war waged during this time? Let's investigate. It was dubbed 'Jang-e-Badr' since the first Islamic war was fought in a field close to Badr village. Medina is around 80 kilometers distant from this region. The settlement was given the name Badr because of a well in it, whose owner was named Badr. There were around 313 Muslims and 1000 armed members of the opposing army during the Battle of Badr.
Prophet Muhammad's life and Islamic history were altered by the Battle of Badr. According to a well-known Western historian, Prophet Muhammad was viewed by Arabs before the Battle of Badr as a weak man who had been driven from Mecca by his own people and was pleading with others for assistance. However, Prophet Muhammad gained notoriety throughout Arabia as a military engineer and ruler during the Battle of Badr. since he overcame an army that was three times larger than his own.
According to Allama Abdul mustafa Azmi's book Sirat mustafa, Prophet Muhammad did not hear any messages from Allah regarding war or retaliation for roughly ten years after he became a prophet. Prophet Hazrat Mohammad, on the other hand, never used force to oppose the Meccans, despite their extreme harshness toward him and his Muslim companions. The angel Jibraeel Alaihissalam then appeared to Prophet Muhammad with a message from Allah on the 12th of Safar, the second month of 2 Hijri, and recited the verse about opposing cruelty.
They moved to Medina with their followers when Prophet Hazrat Muhammad and his Muslim companions were oppressed by the Quraish in Mecca. Many of his friends had moved away earlier. Following that, Hazrat Abu Bakr Siddiq (RA) and Prophet Hazrat Muhammad moved. The migrants were mistreated by the Meccan populace. They stole all they owned. Their homes were damaged. To assassinate Prophet Hazrat Mohammad, they even stormed his home. Despite all of this, the Muslims encountered several challenges once they arrived at Medina. The Muslims, however, were making plans to reclaim their property from their adversaries.
Conditions for war had arisen several times before to the Battle of Badr, but each time the conflict was prevented for whatever reason. 2 The seventh month of Rajab is Hijri. Abu Sufyan departed Mecca with a caravan for Sham during this month. The word reached Prophet Muhammad and his companions in Medina. They intended to retaliate, reclaim their money, and pillage the caravan when they returned. To do this, they dispatched a team of eight or twelve individuals, led by Hazrat Abdullah bin Jahsh, who was required to remain in Nakhla and monitor the adversaries.