Those whose photos had a barely perceptible shadow or weren't "bright enough" were turned away. A little grin might result in instant rejection, even if the picture appears flawless at first inspection. Additionally, each applicant should ensure that the photo they submit for a visa is brand-new. Another reason to deny it is if your photo resembles one from a prior passport or visa.
The social media user offered some advice on how to capture pictures without making this error. a brilliant image with no shadows, a white background, and a face that is expressionless and straight. There is no sure bet or assurance, though, because US visas are subject to more stringent restrictions. The system is likely to reject your photo if it so chooses. Ultimately, it is beyond your control, but a candidate can only hope for the best. Since even a grin or a shadow might cost you your goal, just be cautious and be ready for the worst.