Insects, spiders, mosquitoes, and flies are always buzzing around the house, regardless of the season. The sight of them at home makes one feel repulsed. There are a variety of products on the market to ward them off in such a circumstance. To get rid of them, chemical cleansers are often utilized. However, its usage can occasionally be harmful to one's health. In the event that you have a mosquito infestation in your home and would like to get rid of them, we will tell you about a method that will help you get rid of mosquitoes and other insects with less effort.
How to get rid of insects and mosquitoes from home?
Lemon and alum might be helpful if you don't want to use the products that are on the market. The antibacterial qualities of alum and lemon juice aid in the removal of flies, mosquitoes, and germs. In addition, the acidic qualities of lemons work well to repel flies and mosquitoes. Conversely, alum has a disinfecting effect.
While mopping, all you need to do is warm the water a little. Now thoroughly mix in the alum powder and lemon juice. Next, use a cotton cloth to clean the floor until it is dry. Mop the home one or two times with the aid of this water. Frequent cleaning with this water will eliminate germs, flies, and mosquitoes. In addition, you may put this solution in a spray bottle and use it to mist the house's drains and corners.