A young woman from Greater noida passed away in a startling instance of rabies transmission after drinking milk from a cow that had the virus.
Her family, who work in the dairy industry, claims that the cow was attacked by a stray dog a week prior and received no medical attention. According to news sources, the woman did not seek medical attention despite the animal's symptoms, and her refusal to get vaccinated proved to be fatal. The cow had given birth to a calf before being bitten, and the family and other locals frequently drank its milk.  At least ten villagers, however, sought post-exposure rabies vaccines after learning about the virus.

However, the woman disregarded it, and after a few days, she began to exhibit significant rabies symptoms, such as a great fear of water, which is a symptom of the virus.  She quickly developed violent sensitivities to light and water, as well as panic attacks.  She was taken to many hospitals by her family, but it was too late to rescue her.

What is rabies?
The saliva of an infected animal can transfer the deadly virus that causes rabies, which affects the nervous system, not just through bites but also through open wounds or mucous membranes.  Experts say that although rabies is deadly, it may be avoided.

What happens when you get rabies?
When an infected animal's saliva gets into an open wound, usually from a bite, the rabies virus enters your body.  It enters your central nervous system, which includes your brain and spinal cord, very slowly via nerves.  Neurological symptoms are the result of the harm when it gets to your brain.  The infection then causes a coma and, ultimately, death.  Most persons who get the rabies virus experience the following phases: incubation, prodromal phase, acute neurologic phase, and coma. The incubation period is the ideal time to get life-saving therapy, even though you might not have any symptoms at that time.  People do, however, go into a coma in the last stages, which results in death.

Signs and Symptoms
Tiredness or fatigue
Bite wound burning, itching, tingling, pain or numbness
Sore throat
Muscle pain
Nausea and vomiting
Agitation and aggression
Fast breathing or hyperventilation
Excessive salivation
Facial paralysis
Fear of water
Neck stiffness

How can you treat rabies?
According to medical professionals, once rabies symptoms start to appear, there is no known cure.  However, get in touch with your doctor right once if you are exposed to the virus.  If you have been bitten, begin by washing the wound with soap and water.  To stop the virus from producing rabies, the doctor would then give you a series of immunizations.  If you have never received a vaccination before, they will also apply an antibody therapy straight to the wound.

Why is there no cure for rabies?
The Cleveland Clinic states that because rabies is shielded by the blood-brain barrier, which is a layer that separates your brain from the blood arteries in your head, there is no treatment for it once it reaches your brain.  Its function is to protect your brain by preventing poisons and other harmful chemicals from entering your bloodstream. Experts are unsure of how, but rabies further imprisons this barrier, making it impossible for drugs that may break it to pass through.


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