Are you also seeing unclean yellow spots on your toilet seat? You may now clean them without purchasing pricey cleaners. Yellow stains on the toilet seat may be readily removed with the use of a viral hack. How can stains on toilet seats be removed?The restroom is the area of the house that is used virtually constantly. Numerous harmful germs begin to grow on the toilet if their hygiene is neglected. These raise the possibility of transmitting a variety of illnesses. The toilet seat continues to become yellow despite routine cleaning. In this case, a visitor will undoubtedly evaluate you if he observes the state of your restroom.
You may clean your toilet seat without purchasing pricey cleaning supplies if it has begun to become yellow. The orange peel trick that has become popular on
social media is a must-try if you want to restore the original shine to your toilet seat. Nowadays,
oranges are undoubtedly present in every home. In this case, you may use the peels to address your major problem rather than discard them because you
believe they are worthless. Let's learn how to remove stains from toilet seats.
Orange peels
baking powder
Liquid dish soap
Break the orange peels into little pieces before cleaning the toilet seat. Add these peels to a mixer now. Grind it well after adding water. Now, use a huge
iron strainer to sift it. Add baking powder and 1 tablespoon of
salt to this mixture. Pour in any liquid dish soap as well. One spoonful of Dettol must then be added. Your cleaning solution is so prepared.
Now fill a spray bottle with the toilet seat cleaning solution. Give the toilet seat a good spray. Put some cleaning inside the seat after that. Give it ten minutes. Later, use a brush to give it a thorough cleaning. Both the stain and the odor will be eliminated in this way.
You may use this prepared cleaner to clean all of your home's tiles, except the toilet seat. With this cleaner, the house's mirrors and window glass may also be thoroughly cleaned.