Is china looking to capture the dark side of the moon?

It is known that the Chinese space agency said in june last year that an unmanned spacecraft was sent to explore minerals on the far side of the moon and it made a safe landing. The china National Space Administration said this on its website. It was launched on May 3 and reached the moon after traveling for about 53 days. It is known that china has taken a key step in space experiments. As part of this, it is sending a spacecraft with a lander and ascender to the dark side of the moon and collecting samples of rocks and soil in that area. If that is the case, Chinese scientists are planning to build a radio telescope array on the far side of the moon. This ambitious plan has been put forward. With this, If this project is approved, it is said that it will provide the first operational lunar radio observatory. This telescope array is made up of 7,200 butterfly-shaped wire antennas. It is said that it can detect ultra-long wavelength cosmic signals.
This telescope array will be spread over an area of about 30 km. It is said that it will provide high resolution and sensitivity to find more exoplanets. If all goes well, it is estimated that it will be operational by 2035, along with robotic and manned lunar missions. In fact, although American scientists have already proposed this idea, it is said that the Chinese version could be realized within ten years. However, it is said that the construction of this telescope array is a very complex engineering project. This project will lead to innovations in multiple fields, and as a result, it is believed that china will strengthen its position in astronomical research! However, it is known that people on Earth only see one side of the moon. The other side is not visible. That is why it is called the dark side. In fact, there is no real darkness there. The sun's rays also radiate from the other side, just like the side we see. Otherwise, the time it takes for the moon to rotate once completely in its orbit is the same as the time it takes to return to Earth, so it always appears on the same side. This is called tidal locking.

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