Rae claimed that her trip to malaysia was the catalyst for the significant changes in her life. Yahoo.com claims that Rae claimed to have everything she needed in a number of her interviews that circulated online. But despite all this, she was unhappy with her life and felt empty on the inside.
Rae disclosed that while visiting malaysia in 2024, she ran into an old buddy in Kuala Lumpur. That one friend persuaded Rae to convert to islam after having lengthy discussions with her.
In a now-viral video, Rae is seen wearing a burqa and talking about how she was warned that her sins would never be forgiven. But ever since she converted to islam, she has been pursuing a deeper relationship with God. She also discloses in the video that she has been keeping fast.
The former adult actress in the video said, "So if I am going to Jannah after death or if my sin is forgiven or not, it does not matter to you. So you should be focusing on your intention between you and god (Allah). My intention between me and Allah is mine, and you don't need to care about it."
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