With its abundance of vital elements like fiber, omega-3 fatty acids, and antioxidants, chia seeds are praised as a superfood. These small seeds have made their way into a wide range of diets, showing up in smoothies and puddings. However, are you handling them correctly? Despite their many advantages, chia seeds have a drawback like all other excellent things: they must be eaten carefully.
A viral video of an internet user pleading to quit drinking chia seed water after being brought to the hospital prompted Dr. Kunal Sood to respond.  Dr. Sood responded by outlining the advantages of chia seeds as well as the best ways to properly eat them.

What advantages can chia seeds offer?
Chia seeds are a superfood because of their remarkable nutritional profile. In addition to being popular in diets for weight loss, they offer many other advantages. According to Dr. Kunal Sood, "Chia seeds are a great source of antioxidants, fiber, and omega-3 fatty acids. They are a well-liked superfood because they aid with digestion, weight control, and heart health.

What drawbacks do chia seeds have?
However, even if something is beneficial, it shouldn't be consumed carelessly.  Because of its great absorption capacity, Dr. Kunal Sood advised against improper ingestion.  In addition, he mentioned a case in which a 39-year-old guy drank a spoonful of dry chia seeds with water, but the seeds grew in his throat and obstructed his airway.

"They're very healthy, but how you eat them matters," he explained.  Chia seeds have the unusual capacity to absorb fluids up to 12 times their weight, occasionally more.  This keeps you fuller for longer, but it can pose issues if you're not ready.  In a rare instance, a 39-year-old man's airway was blocked when he ingested a spoonful of dried chia seeds with water.

How to have Chia Seeds?

After learning about the benefits and drawbacks of chia seeds, it's critical to understand how to use them properly. Dr. Sood clarified, "Soak chia seeds for ten to fifteen minutes before consumption to prevent this. Since chia seeds absorb moisture from your body, start with tiny amounts and drink plenty of water to avoid any intestinal discomfort. Make sure to speak with your doctor if you're not sure whether to include them in your diet.
Readers should be aware that this article is merely meant to be informative and should not be used in place of expert medical advice.  If you have any queries concerning a medical problem, you should always consult your doctor.



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