In london, it is still visible today. Major Robert Taylor inherited this crown following the british rebellion in 1857, which put an end to Mughal rule. He presented it to queen Victoria after bringing it to England. It has been housed at a london museum ever since. indian troops rebelled against the british in 1857. The indian armies were led by bahadur shah zafar in this fight. But he was vanquished by the British. The british then sent him to Burma, which is today Myanmar. In 1862, he passed away there.
Robert christopher Tytler bought the crown at the auction. In Delhi, the british then put all of his priceless possessions up for auction. Major Robert christopher Tytler purchased his crown and two thrones at this auction. He returned them to England.
A jeweler in england offered to purchase it for 1,000 pounds. But Tytler gave it to queen Victoria instead. Pearls, diamonds, gold, and other priceless stones were used to embellish the crown. It was expertly made in accordance with Mughal regal customs. It was purchased by queen Victoria and added to the british royal collection. Tytler was dissatisfied since he only got 500 for the crown and thrones.
Persian and urdu poetry were written by Bahadur Shah Zafar. He conveyed his anguish and defeat in one of his well-known couplets, which are still highly valued today. The crown of bahadur shah zafar is currently kept at a london museum.