She brought up PR and trolls in a recent interview with Filmfare, saying, "PR is the one thing I am really bad at." I'm terrible at that. I recall a period of time when I was frequently the target of trolling on specific meme pages, and I questioned why they were always disparaging me. It appeared to be targeted. Clearly, a lot of money is being spent by people to undermine others.
She disclosed that the frequent negative posts had caused her and her family great distress. When we learned, my dad and I were really disturbed. However, I also saw it as a complement since it indicates that you are superior to them if they feel the need to bring you down," she said.
Hegde added that after contacting these meme pages, her team found out that the trolling was being done for pay. When my team later contacted the relevant meme pages, they informed us, "This is the amount they are paying us." If you'd like to stop it or troll them back, this is the amount. "I find it strange that people are going to this length," she remarked.
She also brought attention to the existence of bots used for trolling online. Sometimes, when I visit profiles and look through the comments, I see that there are no posts or display images, even though these accounts are real. She said, "These are just paid bots."