After death, what happens?  Humanity has been pondering this issue for generations.  We are frequently skeptical of claims concerning life after death, especially when someone claims to have risen from the grave.
Although there are many such stories, one woman's story is particularly noteworthy.
U.S. resident Pam Reynolds Lowery of georgia described her incredible experience of passing away on the operating table.  After leaving this world with no plans to return, she spoke of being able to view everything around her. But things didn't turn out the way she had hoped. She swears that her story is true, even though it is difficult to accept.
'I Died During The Operation'
Pam had brain surgery when she was 35.  Strong anesthesia was needed for this intricate treatment, which also caused her body temperature to drop considerably.  To accomplish the surgery, the physicians made a hole in her skull while she had her eyes closed.  Pam had a strange experience throughout this seven-hour procedure.
She could sense everything that was going on around her, even though she was technically dead.  She observed the surgeons' every action.
Life After Death Experience
In an interview with National Public Radio (NPR), Pam revealed that she saw the physicians drilling into her skull and could hear them conversing. She described having talks with her uncle's and grandmother's ghosts, who were assisting her.
The physicians restored her heart, but she had no desire to go back.  Her uncle pushed her back while she was listening to a song, reviving her.  While some think Pam's experience was real, others think it was just the effect of the anesthesia.

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