Google set foot in Japan..! Millions of investments..?

We have seen that google, one of the leading technology companies in the world, is investing heavily in various countries including India. In that way, it is reported that google is going to invest in japan for the first time. It is also said that it is going to open a data center in Japan. google, one of the leading technology companies in the world, is investing in various countries including india and it is also noted that google has offices in many countries. It is also noted that thousands of employees are working at google and that google has employees from various countries.Google CEO Sundar Pichai said that for the first time, google is going to invest 690 million dollars in Japan. Sundar Pichai has said that a total investment of 100 billion yen is planned in japan in the coming year 2024 and its value is 690 million in US dollars. Also, information has been released that google is planning to open a data center near the Japanese capital Tokyo next year and this is the first google office to be opened in Japan.While the data center google has already been set up in taiwan and Singapore, the data center that will be located in japan is the third data center of google in Asia.

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