IPOs: 15 thousand crores raised in the market!!!
In the middle of the stock market's historic surge, a new record initial public offering (IPO) may be launched. IPOs have been coming to market for a while now, and in the days ahead, this rate of fresh IPO launches will not change. This could set a new record for an initial public offering (IPO) in the current fiscal year.
The IPO numbers from last year
Prime Database data indicates that from 1 april 2024 to 31 march 2025, the current fiscal year, a record number of initial public offerings (IPOs) could enter the market. As a result, the amount raised through an initial public offering (IPO) can easily surpass that of last year. During the fiscal year that concluded on march 31, 2024, businesses were able to raise Rs 60 thousand crore via initial public offerings.
Election cycle slowness initially
Even after the election cycle's early slump, the market is doing well this fiscal year, according to statistics from Prime Database. The election process began simultaneously with the start of the fiscal year. Through 28 initial public offerings (IPOs), corporations have raised around Rs 7,500 crore over the last four election cycles. 52 initial public offerings (IPOs) are in line this election cycle, and through them, businesses are making Rs 50,000 crore in revenue.
Thirty thousand crore offers are pending.
The initial public offering (IPO) statistics for the current fiscal year are very positive thus far. Seven initial public offerings (IPOs) have been launched in the first two months of the current fiscal year, raising approximately Rs fifteen thousand crore. After the elections, roughly twenty-one companies plan to go public in the following two months. The companies developing plans for initial public offerings (IPOs) aim to raise over Rs 30,000 crore from investors in the market through their offerings. Thus, in the first four months of the current fiscal year, the amount comes quite close to Rs 50 thousand crore.