Deeding the property alone does not grant ownership. Do you know the legal requirements?

In India, land registration is mandatory. According to the indian Registration Act, any property transfer exceeding Rs 100 must be in writing and registered with the Sub-Registrar office. This applies to the purchase of houses, shops, plots, or farms. However, it's important to note that registering the land does not automatically make you the owner.

Registering the land does not grant you full ownership. It simply serves as a document for the transfer of ownership. It's crucial to ensure that the property is transferred into your name after registration to become the rightful owner.

If a nomination or filing is rejected after registration, the purchaser becomes the owner of the property, and all associated rights transfer to them. After the transfer of property, your name will be officially recorded as the owner. It's essential to be aware that the rules and timelines for filing and rejection vary from state to state. For example, in Haryana, an application for cancellation should be made after registration, while in some states, a filing rejection can occur up to 45 days after filing.

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