Pakistan has found a large reserve of oil and gas!!!

pakistan has found a large reserve of oil and gas in its maritime border. This reserve of petroleum products is so large that it has the potential to change the fate of Pakistan. This treasure of petroleum products can take the Pakistani economy out of its heavy debt burden, economic bankruptcy and financial crisis. But even after finding this treasure, Pakistan's crisis is not ending. Because no big company or country is ready to drill in this oil and gas reserve of pakistan due to security concerns and high cost of exploration.

pakistan needs 5 billion dollar investment to extract oil

pakistan has conducted a survey for three years to find out the reserves of this oil and gas. pakistan feels that if there is a gas reserve under the sea, it can replace LNG import and if there is an oil reserve, Pakistan's dependence on crude oil import will end. But the biggest challenge before pakistan is that pakistan will need an investment of 5 billion dollars to explore this oil and gas reserve.

Estimated to be the fourth largest oil and gas reserve in the world

Only the world's big oil companies can invest 5 billion dollars. But due to security concerns in pakistan and the huge cost of exploration, the world's leading oil companies do not seem to be ready to explore in Pakistan. The exact amount of hydrocarbon reserves found in Pakistan's border has not been assessed, but according to estimates, this discovery could be the world's fourth largest oil and gas reserve, which will be a big deal for the continent of Asia.

International oil companies worry about security

But due to security concerns in pakistan, no big company is willing to invest in Pakistan's petroleum sector. Companies feel that they will have to spend a huge amount of money on the safety of their employees and the security of assets and the companies also do not trust the security provided by the Pakistani government.

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