Niti Aayog member Arvind said, real remuneration not increased...

niti aayog member Arvind Virmani has said that employment is increasing in the country, but in the case of regular jobs, the salary has not increased according to inflation in seven years. He said that employment and skill development are two sides of the same coin, if you have skills then it becomes easier to get a job. He said, we have an opportunity in terms of global population, we need to take advantage of it and for this, improving the quality of education and training is important.

Arvind Virmani said in an interview to PTI-Bhasha, according to PLFS data, the worker-population ratio is clearly increasing in the last seven years. This means that the number of jobs is increasing more than the population growth. There are fluctuations in it too but the trend shows that jobs are increasing. In such a situation, it is wrong to say that jobs are not increasing. According to the PLFS Annual Report 2023-24 (July-June), the worker-population ratio increased to 43.7 per cent in 2023-24 in the case of persons of all ages from 34.7 per cent in 2017-18.

He said, "If we look at the remuneration data in PLFS, the real salary of those who are casual workers (contract workers) has increased during seven years and their condition has improved during this period. The figures confirm this." Virmani said, "But a big issue is in the case of regular salary jobs. In this category, the real remuneration has not increased according to inflation in seven years." He said, my assessment is that the main reason for the remuneration not increasing according to inflation is the lack of skills.

According to the niti aayog member, this is important because when skills increase, productivity increases, and real wages increase. This happens in india as well as in the world. We think that we can continue doing the work we are doing and the salary will increase, this is not right. In such a situation, skill development is very important. And not only for those who are working but also for the new people who are coming, skill development is needed. He said, "Job and skill are two sides of the same coin. If you have skill, then it becomes easy to get a job.

In response to another question, Virmani said, "For a developed india, there is a need for improvement everywhere. We should see the opportunities and use them. We need to take advantage of the opportunities that we have at the level of global demographics.

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