What is the status of dairy animals in India?

Milk animals are those animals that give milk. Usually it includes animals like cow, buffalo, goat and sheep. These animals are raised for milk production. They are not only a source of milk, but also form a large part of the income of farmers.

India is the largest milk producing country in the world. india is also an agricultural country, where more than 60% of the population depends on agriculture and animal husbandry. Along with farming, milk production has become a major income source for farmers. Especially for small and marginal farmers, milch animals are a strong basis for economic stability.

An indian farmer easily earns up to Rs 10,000-50,000 every month by raising 2-5 milch animals. There is a market for milk every day, due to which farmers do not have to face seasonal fluctuations like farming. Apart from milk, farmers earn more profit by selling products like ghee, curd, cheese, butter, buttermilk and khoya.

The price of 1 liter of milk is 50 to 70 rupees, while the price of ghee made from the same milk can be from 600 to 1200 rupees per kg. Due to this, farmers get more profit by selling milk.

What is the status of dairy animals in India?

According to the 20th livestock census, the number of milk-giving cows and dry dairy animals is 74.59 million (7.45 crores). In the 19th livestock census, the number of dairy livestock was 67.54 million (7.75 crores). That is, the number of dairy livestock increased by 10.44%.

Uttar Pradesh has the highest number of 85 lakh 40 thousand 455 dairy cows. After this, madhya pradesh (67,88,245), bihar (65,91,370), West bengal (64,39,350) and rajasthan (63,31,640) are the states with the highest number of milch cattle. lakshadweep (740), daman and diu (705) and andaman and nicobar islands (14,760) have the lowest number. The number is also low in chandigarh (7460) and Mizoram (15,908).

The number of milch cows is high in North india and Central India. The number is low in the North-Eastern states and Union Territories. The number of milch cows is also good in the southern states, such as tamil Nadu and Karnataka.

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