How much income of farmers and milk production increased?
The number of milch cows is more in North india and Central India. The number is less in the North-Eastern states and Union Territories. The number of milch cows is also good in the Southern states.
In response to a question in the Lok Sabha, the government said that it is not known how much the income of farmers has increased from dairy animals, but the government has run schemes like National Gokul Mission through the Department of Animal Husbandry and Dairying. This has increased the production of milk in the country a lot. In 2014-15, milk production was 146.31 million tonnes. In 2023-24, it increased to 239.30 million tonnes. That is, milk production increased by 63.55% in the last 10 years.
In 2014-15, an average of 1640 kg of milk was obtained from an animal every year. In 2023-24, it increased to 2072 kg. This is an increase of 26.34%, and it is the highest in the world. The government scheme has increased the production of milk and the milk-giving capacity of animals, which has benefited all the farmers working in milk.
According to National Accounts Statistics 2024, the production value of milk has also increased. The production value of milk in 2014-15 was Rs 4.95 lakh crore. In 2022-23, it increased to Rs 11.16 lakh crore.