Human abuse and Animal abuse has become a fun or arrogance for few ruthless idiots who target animals all the time. The tragic incident that happened in Kerala's Malappuram district is now shaking the whole country. One of the forest officer from this place shared this incident on his facebook page and it went viral. A wild elephant came out of forest to the near by village in search of food. She was searching for food and roaming all over the village. local people offered her cracker laden pineapple and without knowing the danger , elephant had it. The fruit immediately exploded in pregnant elephant's mouth and the elephant died with in hours. 

The story of Mohan Krishnan on facebook stated "She trusted everyone. When the pineapple she ate exploded, she must have been shocked not thinking about herself, but about the child, she was going to give birth to in 18 to 20 months." he wrote. The injured elephant walked all over the village in pain and hunger, also offered food by other villagers but couldnt eat with all the injuries because of these maniacs. Krishnan also added "She didn't harm a single human being even when she ran in searing pain in the streets of the village. She didn't crush a single home. This is why I said, she is full of goodness." He also added the elephant's photo and it's pain. The elephant after some time walked back to Velliyar River and stood over there. The photo is bringing tears to many people as she was standing in the river with her mouth and trunk in water. The officer said she did it to avoid flies and insects in her mouth. Officials tried to save her but she died after 4 hours of severe struggle. police are yet to find the culprits. 

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