Shocking..! Hearts cut off while alive in China..!?

A study by an Australian university has found that death row inmates in china have their hearts cut off and brutally murdered while they are still alive. A study by a university organization in australia has revealed the shocking news that the hearts of death row inmates in china are being brutally cut and killed while they are still alive. And in about 56 hospitals in china, prisoners have their hearts cut off while they are still alive, according to the study.
Accordingly, prisoners who are about to be executed have their hearts cut off by doctors while they are still alive. The study said that all the reasons given in the death certificate for the deaths of prisoners were untrue. The study also uncovered important documents that have not yet been released regarding the secret human organ trade in China.The study also found that doctors in the country's judiciary cut off the hearts of prisoners and carry out executions in China. Prisoners awaiting execution in prisons have their hearts cut out by a doctor while they are still alive, before being brainwashed. The study also found that cut hearts are sent to organ donors. After that, the heart is donated. The study noted that doctors kill prisoners by removing body parts while they are alive without executing a gunshot wound.The study also examined and analyzed 124,770 medical documents from official Chinese databases between 1980 and 2020. The researchers also found 71 suspected heart-removal deaths in 56 hospitals across china, including more than 300 medical staff. The Chinese government has denied the report. But the study says the incident has been going on for more than 30 years. It is also alleged that human organs, including kidneys and liver, were mutilated and sold in secret trade.

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